Wokingham u3a (Wu3a), founded in 1990, became a registered charity in 1991.  It has grown very rapidly over the years and the current membership is approximately 2000.  There are over 190 groups from which to choose. The groups meet in members’ homes or in larger venues in and around Wokingham.

Wokingham u3a offers both educational and recreational groups, including groups for Members On Their Own (MOTO).

We also hold Monthly Afternoon Meetings on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm at St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Wokingham, to which a speaker is invited. These run from September through to May and the entrance fee for this meeting is £2.00 and includes a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits.

All administrative and study group activities in Wokingham u3a are carried out on a completely voluntary and unpaid basis. Committee members are elected annually by local members at their AGM. Although called a University, no academic qualifications are required or given. Those who teach are also those who learn and all are members the University of the Third Age.

The Wokingham u3a Committee has taken a policy decision that only fully paid up members can participate in any Wokingham u3a activity, including Interest Groups. The only exception to this policy is that a non-member can attend one Wokingham u3a Monthly Afternoon and Evening Meeting, before being required to apply for Membership.


Apply for u3a Membership