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Money Matters 2 Group
Time - 10:00
Week - Second
Day - Thursday
Venue - Cantley Park Cafe
Vacancies - Waiting List
Group Convenors
Non-members of Wokingham u3a do not have permission to view convenor personal details. If you require more information, please send a message using the 'contact us' button detailing your requirements.  Members of Wokingham u3a should log on to the website to see more details.
Other than normal Group meetings, there are currently no additional events scheduled for this Group

The Money Matters Groups discuss a wide range of personal financial topics including; savings accounts, bank accounts, investments, household finances, insurance, tax, pensions, - anything to do with personal money matters. The group members are not experts in personal finance. We are ordinary people, interested getting the best from our money by learning from each other. We share financial information and money tips that we've experienced or found online, in newspapers or journals. We occasionally have an external specialist speaker but mostly we share and discuss things we have experienced or read about. Occasionally one of us will spend some time to look into a money topic of interest and tell the group about our findings. We don't give financial advice and we don't disclose our personal financial details but we do discuss current financial topics, how they could affect us, and ways that could help manage our money better. If you would like to know more about the Money Matters Group then you are welcome to contact the convenor.