Science- Mega, Miniscule & Fac Group
Time - 14:30 to 16:30
Week - Second
Day - Wednesday
Venue - Online
Vacancies - 6
Group Convenors
Non-members of Wokingham u3a do not have permission to view convenor personal details. If you require more information, please send a message using the 'contact us' button detailing your requirements.  Members of Wokingham u3a should log on to the website to see more details.
SMMF Meeting: Science Potpourri - Zoom only12 Feb 202514:30
SMMF: Forecasting weather and climate in the midst of chaos and unpredictability - Zoom only 24 Feb 202515:00
SMMF: Forecasting weather and climate in the midst of chaos and unpredictability - Zoom only 24 Feb 202515:00
SMMF Meeting: Science Potpourri - Zoom only12 Feb 202514:30

Science has made us aware that what is around us may be huge, awesome, sometimes devastating, or invisible and incredibly strange; that scale and interaction gives us different and often conflicting perspectives. What we find is frequently unexpected, perplexing and often forces us to reimagine and rethink.

The Group focuses on areas of Science that stretch the mind. New discoveries and interesting applications of science. New theories and experiments that will/could change our lives and those of our descendants. Along with some light-hearted amusing findings

Where possible we invite speakers with a sound understanding of a topic to inform and start the discussion. Some meetings will concentrate on a single topic and others will have more than one subject to get your teeth into. We welcome Members’ ideas for topics and speakers (themselves or others) that will be stimulating and thought provoking.

We meet twice a month. The first is on the second Wednesday of the month at 2:30pm on Zoom  Generally it’s a Science ‘pot pourri’ – mix of two or three short presentations followed by lively discussion.

The second is a Zoom only meeting, generally involving external speakers - subject specialists from UK and abroad. It’s generally held on the last Monday of the month at 3pm, dependent on speaker availability and time-zones.