Technology Group
Time - 10:00
Week - Third
Day - Thursday
Venue - Now closed
Attendance Fee - £1.00
Vacancies - 10
Group Convenors
Non-members of Wokingham u3a do not have permission to view convenor personal details. If you require more information, please send a message using the 'contact us' button detailing your requirements.  Members of Wokingham u3a should log on to the website to see more details.
Other than normal Group meetings, there are currently no additional events scheduled for this Group

We learn about technologies that directly affect our lives or are simply interesting to find out about. The Technology group draws on the knowledge and experience of its own group members and also engages guest speakers to deliver interesting talks on a wide range of technical subjects, usually with the aid of presentation slides. We have encompassed the very small (sub atomic) to the very large (astronomical) and historical aspects of technology development through to expectations for the future. The Technology Group meets on the third Thursday of the month in the upstairs hall at the Woosehill Community Centre. We gather from 9:45 and talks begin at 10.00, typically lasting for an hour to an hour and a half.